We offer a wide range of digital mapping data for a variety of uses. Not only do we have our own copyrighted Worldwide mapping data we also offer a wide range of other mapping including Ordnance Survey map data, Collins Bartholomew map data and Philip's map data. If we don't already have the data we have experience in sourcing map data for even the most far reaching destinations, just contact our experienced team to discuss your specific requirements.
Additionally we can provide customised services, for example we can display further information over the mapping such as drive times, business locations, radials etc. Please contact us for further information. If you're looking for map data for use within a large project such as a website, GIS or mobile application project then please browse those areas on our website. For more detail you can contact with us and can discus your specific requirements.
EnGeoMaps Team create all kind of data related to Afghanistan shape files, Biuldings roads.. which call Vector data consists of a series of nodes stored as x,y co-ordinates that define line segments. These line segments when joined form map features such as roads, buildings and rivers.
Vector datasets have all features coded or multi-coded to represent topographical features. Available in both the Irish National Grid and Irish Transverse Mercator.
This vector data can be displayed at any scale with individual layers capable of being omitted or individually shown.
We have raster images related to Afghanistan data from wich we can create vector data and provid it to all NGOs Raster data provides a map image formed by a matrix of pixels arranged in rows coloums, which can be displayed on a computer screen. Scanned image at 400 or 500 d.p.i, or image generated from vector data at 300 dpi, reproducing data on published map sites.
Data format :Supplied in Tiff (packbits) form. Historical Coloured 6 inch mapping is available in Jpeg. Raster data is made up of cells called pixels. You may already be familiar with
pixels if you use a digital camera